What people don't think about is the work that goes into actually pricing, photographing, listing and selling the items after it is made. This is the part of the job the I dislike the most and tend to put off forever, and it is easy because I consider my design work a part time hobby job, so I have never really pushed it to the next level.
It is a lot of work maintaining an online shop. You need to have high quality, well thought out photos of your work. You need to list every last detail of what you have made, and have it weighed and measured for shipping. Advertising and proper branding is a lot of work too. For someone that just simply dislikes doing all of this, it is easy to procrastinate selling my work at all. The fashion designer that doesn't have the funds to pay a team of help ends up playing a lot of other roles that can be difficult for someone that just wants to create the product.
I also find pricing my items difficult. I don't want to undercut myself (which I tend to do) but when you are competing with fast fashion prices, it is hard not to second guess what you quote people for cost in fear they may change their mind on the purchase.
With all of this being said, I am finally gearing up to really get my Etsy shop filled with all of the beautiful pieces I have created over the past 2 years but just never got a chance to list because of all of my whiny excuses not to. I have even had pictures ready to go for a while but just no motivation to get it all written up, measured priced, etc...It is time to push myself to change that! Below are a few of many creations I have ready to go up on my page!
Kayleigh Saad