Saturday, 10 December 2016

Holiday Feature: Tilleul

Hello Fashionistas!

Christmas is right around the corner! In just a couple of weeks Old Saint Nick will be making a special appearance here in Fredericton, and that means Holiday Party Season. If you're anything like me this is the one time of year that you're most likely to be seeing a lot of friends and family, so the pressure is on to look your best. Before you head to fight the massive crowds at the Regent Mall, we here at the Fredericton Fashion Council want to put the spotlight on some of our favorite local small businesses. Shopping locally is not only fun and affordable, but its supporting one of our community's own, and what could be better than that at Christmas?

So to kick things off I caught up with Katie Boyce owner of downtown's own: Tilleul. In case you haven't seen this gorgeous new store located at 593 King Street with the all black brick front, this is your chance to find out what you've been missing. If you follow them on Facebook: you may even have seen yours truly on their cover photo as Fredtown Fashionista and Tilleul teamed up for a photo shoot with Miss. Candy Photography back in October modelling for the Fall 2016 Curve Line.  

When I reached out to Katie about this feature she was very accommodating and so lovely to work with, so without further adieu, here is our interview:

Fredtown FashionistaSo first things first, Tilleul is such a unique name for a clothing store, but before we go any further how do you pronounce it?

Katie Boyce: I get this question all the time - I pronounce it till-lou-el but if your French the proper way to say it is tea-yeul. Piece of advice, never name your shop in a language you don't speak. 

FF: What inspired you to open up your own store? Have you always had a fashion background? 

KB: I was working in the Interior Design field and just wasn't happy working in an office 8 to 5. On weekends when I would be out in the city I would always get asked where I bought my clothing, so I thought why wouldn't I have a place where people could buy what I was wearing. I never went to school for fashion nor did I ever work in retail, so it was definitely a huge leap for me.  

FF: What kind of shopping experience are you offering customers? What are you all about at Tilleul?

KB: I wanted to be a little different then other stores downtown, and I don't like spending a fortune on fast fashion so I came up with the concept to keep price points under $100. We also only carry 6 to 8 pieces of each item so typically a couple small, medium and large, and after the first few months we also added in a Curve Line which runs from 1XLarge to 3XLarge. 

FF: Where are the clothes made?

KB: The clothes come from California but are made in the US and China

FF: The first time I entered the store one of the first things you mentioned as we started chatting was that every item in the store was under $100. Is keeping pricing low a priority? And if so, why?

KB: It is because fashion comes and goes so quickly and some pieces (like a Christmas dress) you might only get to wear a couple of times. I don't, and I know other women don't want to have to spend their full pay cheque on new clothing. 

FF: Tilleul is the one of the very few locations in Fredericton carrying a plus size line via the Curve Line with true to size fits, why is it important to you that you offer a plus size line? 

KB: It's the worst when women come into the store and struggle to find sizing that works for them. I wanted to have a store that worked for all women and not just women that fit into conventional sizes. 

FF: We see endless updates of all the fabulous items coming into the store on a weekly basis, how do you select the items you'll be carrying? 

KB: The items either come from things I see other woman wearing whether it be celebrities, bloggers or things I love and really want to bring in. I also listen to my clients and hear what they want to start seeing in the store too. 

FF: So how do I get my hands on some of these great finds! What methods of purchasing do you offer?

KB: We have the brick-and-mortar at 593 King Street and then we have an online website (

FF: What made you decide to open your store front location in Fredericton? What has been the response from the community?

KB: I started out as a pop up shop and I was running out of pop up spaces. I knew I needed to take the next step so I stalked downtown Fredericton until I found our 593 King St. space. The response has been amazing and people tell me all the time that it's what Fredericton needed. 

FF: And lastly, what is your favorite thing about being a small business owner in our great city?

KB: The support from the people in Fredericton has been amazing, they are so eager to support local which is great! 

There you have it folks, not only is this shop owned by a woman who truly earned the title of Girl Boss, it's also a hidden gem in the Fredericton Fashion Scene. 

Don't miss a single one of Tilleul's updates follow them on Facebook: and Instagram: shoptilleul (they have the best boomarangs) 

Until next time, stay fabulous Fredericton!
Fredtown Fashionista